Mastering the Mental Game in Table Tennis – Insights from a Recent Workshop

Mastering the Mental Game in Table Tennis – Insights from a Recent Workshop


In table tennis, success hinges not only on physical ability but also on the mental approach to the game. At a recent workshop, coaches Gautier Delaveau, Žunjanin Radovan, and Mario Genovese shared valuable insights on Thinking and Attitudes during training and matches. It was an inspiring session for all the HiTT players present.

Mastering the Mental Game in Table Tennis – Insights from a Recent Workshop

Embracing Mistakes as a Learning Tool

Coach Gautier Delaveau kicked off the workshop. He addressed a common issue that plagues many players: the fear of making mistakes. In his view, mistakes are an inevitable and important part of growth in table tennis. He emphasized that if you’re not making mistakes, you’re not trying hard enough or taking risks. This mindset encourages players to approach each point with boldness, using mistakes as stepping stones to improvement rather than fearing them.

Coach Gautier also stressed the importance of always having a strategy for different phases of a match. For example, he suggested using the first set to analyze your opponent’s strengths and weaknesses. Keep your strongest serves and attacks for critical moments, such as a 9-9 scoreline. He reinforced his ideas with a video interview featuring Mexican player Marcos Madrid, who emphasized the need to stay in the present moment during a match. If you make a mistake, forget it immediately—you can’t change the past, nor should you dwell on future possibilities. Focus only on the next point.

The Importance of Staying Present: Lessons from the Pros

Coach Gautier illustrated the dangers of thinking too far ahead with the story of French player Simon Gauzy. In a match against World No. 4 Liang Jingkun, Gauzy was down 0-2, managed to equalize to 2-2, and even took a 7-2 lead in the final set. However, he relaxed, perhaps prematurely believing he had won. Gauzy’s lapse in focus allowed Liang Jingkun to stage a remarkable comeback. This match served as a powerful example of why it’s critical to stay present and never assume victory too early.

Finding Your Motivation and Rituals

Coach Žunjanin Radovan spoke about motivation and rituals, drawing from his own experiences as a high-level player. For Coach Radovan, his pre-match ritual included listening to a specific song, “Eye of the Tiger,” which helped boost his energy and confidence. However, he was quick to point out that every player needs to find their own source of motivation, whether it’s a song, a thought, or a specific routine.

Coach Radovan also stressed the importance of staying relaxed, especially when under pressure. “Smiling can instantly relieve tension from your body,” he said, offering a simple yet effective way to handle stress. He also talked about the power of rituals—small actions like checking your shoes, adjusting your shirt, or positioning your water bottle—that can help players focus and regain composure between points.

His advice aligned with Coach Gautier’s in terms of avoiding overthinking. He warned against telling yourself “don’t miss the serve,” as this can increase the likelihood of errors. Instead, clear your mind, relax, and stick to a well-thought-out strategy, adjusting your play based on how your opponent is performing in each set.

Synchronizing Mind and Body

Coach Mario Genovese built on the points made by his fellow coaches, focusing on the concept of sensorimotor synchronization—the need for your mind and body to be perfectly aligned during play. He offered practical tips for achieving this harmony, such as briefly touching the table or looking at the rubber on your racket. Coach Mario explained that certain colours can affect the brain’s state: red, pink, and purple excite, while black, green, and blue have a calming effect.

To conclude the workshop, Coach Mario Genovese introduced the participants to a 10-minute meditation session. During this session, he guided them through an “energy shower” visualization exercise, designed to help players tap into their subconscious and replenish their energy. Over time, and with continuous practice, this form of meditation can help players learn how to reset their minds in an instant, preparing them to tackle both the mental and physical challenges of the game with renewed vigour.

Key Takeaways From the HiTT Workshop

This workshop provided a comprehensive look at how mental strategies can significantly impact table tennis performance. Whether it’s embracing mistakes, staying present, creating rituals, or synchronizing mind and body, the lessons shared by coaches Gautier, Radovan, and Mario offer powerful tools for any player looking to improve not only their game but also their mental resilience. As these coaches demonstrated, mastering the mind is as important as mastering technique in the pursuit of excellence in table tennis.

About HiTT Academy

HiTT Academy offers opportunities in local and international table tennis competitions, training camps and workshops. Our dedicated coaches provide professional advice to all levels of players from beginners to advanced. Learn more about us on or find us on Facebook.