15/10/2014 HiTT Academy @ MOVE Week

For these last two years Malta has been taking part in MOVE week. Since then the number of activities have more than doubled. This year there were at least 58 activities spread all over Malta and Gozo. This event commenced on the 29th of September and ended on the 5th of October.

HiTT Academy has also taken part in this experience 🙂

HiTT Academy at Move Week 2014

On the 1st of October, HiTT Academy prepared a display in Republic Street, Valletta, exactly in front of the Law Courts. Passers-by could observe table tennis skills by HiTT Academy players. The general public participated willingly and this made the event more interesting. More challenging was the HiTT’s Tibhar Robot that was set up for the occasion and so the general public could try out their skills against HiTT players as well as against HiTT’s Tibhar Robot.



Move Week 2014

A big thanks goes to all that made this event possible. First and foremost  a big thanks goes to the coaches whose primary aim matches the objectives of MOVE Week, that is, to promote the benefits of being active and participating regularly in sport and physical activity. Secondly, big thanks goes to those HiTT players who participated eagerly. Their energy instilled positive attitude to passers-by. Finally, big thanks goes to the general public as they surely made this event a successful one.

HiTT Academy at Move Week 2014HiTT Academy at Move Week 2014